The following guidelines are to be followed by all RnDAO members


1 - Be respectful

You must respect all users, regardless of your liking towards them. No harassment, sexism, racism, nor any kind of hate speech. Practicing compassionate listening and non-violent communication (if unfamiliar, checkā€œIā€-Statements.pdf)

2 - No spamming

Do not send unsolicited Direct Messages (DM's) to people with registration/invitation links. Don't send a lot of messages right after each other, edit your thoughts. Do not disrupt the chat by spamming.

3 - No pornographic/adult/other Not Safe For Work material

This is a community server and not meant to share this kind of material.

4 - No advertisements

We don't tolerate any kind of advertisements, whether it be for other communities or streams, unless previously agreed upon with a community moderator or otherwise community governance.

5 - Direct & Indirect Threats

Malicious threats to other users of any kind (virtual+physical) are absolutely prohibited and disallowed.

6 - Respect privacy and legal rights of others

Sharing private information about members that may lead to violations of laws or regulations, whether intentional or unintentional, is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to information related to international sanctions, financial regulations, and other similar legal requirements

2. Enforcement of guidelines

Community Moderators is a role tasked with enforcing this guidelines. In the absence of an explicitly appointed Community Moderator, the Discord Architect or otherwise those with Discord Admin permission are the default Community Moderators.

Community Moderators will use the following enforcement guidelines at their discretion. Assuming mild violations (strong violations can skip steps):

  1. Removal of spam/unsafe posts and public, friendly reminder of Community Guidelines