Problem: And it’s way worse than this.




Ethereum EIP 1 has a clear order of operations related to it’s proposal governance. It appears that the governance process has been incorporated into all L2’s.

There are many problems with it, but in this paper we will focus on delegate / voter fatigue and centralization.

Proposals reach a phase where community discussion and debate is encouraged. This is done through forums, regular calls and adhoc backchannel conversations that are not public. In my opinion the overall result is a process littered with Anchoring and Groupthink. The crowd is demented, going down rabbit holes, listens to loudest or most powerful voices all leading to poor decision hygiene. Ultimately terrible results. Because of the madness of crowds that is reached by this poorly structured process….L2’s centralize.

What’s amazing is that none of the underlying L2 foundations have spent anytime experimenting with academically proven methods. For Wisdom of Crowds to work, requires at a minimum:

  1. Independent Judgement from each contributor

  2. Egalitarian Network

  3. Unbiased Aggregation