discord user(organizer) types /meet
- bot prompts for meeting length entry (30, 60, 90, 120 mins)
- bot prompts for invitee's
on /meet submission
- bot checks if organizer has pro account(for now we allow everyone)
- bot warns that you need to put your schedule into the app and invitees that aren’t connected to to the MWW app wont have their schedule included in blackouts (used to be checks if organizer and invitees have registered a wallet with the bot)
next step (used to be if checks. If invitees and organizer pass checks)
- bot sends addresses to MWW for scheduling. **(MWW API)
- bot awaits results
if results are successful
- v0 bot emits "scheduling successful meeting at {meeting time}." no selection
if results indicate no meeting time can be found within pre set range of 14 days limit may be uneccesary
- bot emits “invitees do not have coinciding scheduling availability within pre set date range.
try again later or join our discord for support.”
If results indicate there is a MWW side error
- bot emits “Meet With Wallet scheduling error.”
If any invitees do not have a wallet registered in bot storage.
- bot emits "The following @ mentions do not have a wallet registered for MWW with this bot. Mentioned invitees will need to register before scheduling will be accurate.
- bot pings invitees (Onboarding invitees without registered wallets)
for later
discord user types /mww register
-bot prompts for wallet user intends to use with MWW
-bot informs user to sign in and update their schedule in the MWW ap
-Please type /mww register and when you finish registering type /mww resume to resume scheduling"
-on /mww resume submission