Video Explanation

Loom Video Algorithm Explained

Peer-To-Peer assessment process

The process works with Google Forms, where each contributor is asked to input their name (from a dropdown) and evaluate all their team members, noting that they only assess their team members’ work done aspect, only if they worked together this past month.

The Google Form is divided into sections - one per each contributor. There are 4 questions within each section:

  1. Assessment of cultural contribution to the team
  2. Assessment of performance contribution to the team (work done)
  3. Feedback questions that cover negatives and positives of each contributor



  1. Market Rates + Commitment for each contributor
    1. Base Salary = Market Rate * Commitment;
      1. Example: Market Rate: 5000, Commitment: 20%; Base Salary = 5000*0.2 = 1000;
  2. Assessment scores for all contributors
  3. Performance Adjustment Rate: This rate indicates how much a person's salary can be adjusted per point deviation from a neutral score of 3

Algorithm Design

Step 1: Calculate Average Score

Average score is the average value for each team member, based on all the feedback numbers they’ve gotten from their team

Step 2: Calculate the Salary Adjustment Multiplier for each contributor

Salary Adjustment Multiplier = (AverageScore - 3)*Performance Adjustment Rate

Example: Performance Adjustment Rate = 10%;

This rate indicates how much a person's salary can be adjusted per point deviation from a neutral score of 3. For a score of 1 to 5, the multiplier would range from -0.2 to 0.2.