<aside> 💡 Why this page?

“The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter—it's the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.” -Mark Twain

We use this page to add clarity and specificity to the language we use in our practice. Terms will be added as needed, on a tension basis.


Facilitation Glossary

Facilitator: A person who guides and manages group discussions to ensure inclusivity, productivity, and achievement of desired outcomes.


Psychological Safety: The belief that one can express ideas, concerns, or mistakes without fear of negative consequences, which is crucial for effective facilitation.

Creative Tension: The gap between the current reality and the desired future, which can be harnessed during facilitation to generate innovative ideas and solutions.

Divergent Thinking: The process of generating multiple ideas or solutions to a problem, often encouraged during the early stages of facilitation.

Convergent Thinking: The process of synthesizing and refining ideas to arrive at a single, best solution, typically employed in the later stages of facilitation.


Inclusion: Ensuring that all participants have an equal opportunity to contribute and be heard during a facilitated discussion.

Outliers: Ideas or perspectives that deviate significantly from the norm, which can sometimes lead to breakthrough solutions during facilitation.

Intervention: The act of a facilitator stepping in to address a specific issue, challenge, or opportunity during a group discussion.