Can we have the top line as a heading, the buttons About, Articles and Discord stick but they are white and not visible when you scroll down.
We need to work on the copy. Is there a way for me to edit?
There are too many different gradients and seems too much to me. Can we stick to the one used in the How button and use it for Schedule Call and all other buttons as well?
Can we have instead of read more, clickable title and image that leads to mirror?
The testimonials section seems a bit premature as we don’t have any to put. We can get one from RnDAO in a month or so, but for now we can hide the section.
Instead of the sticky RnDAO unit can we add a section trusted/supported by where we can out Questbook for the grant we got and RnDAO
I’m not sure about the colors, the white somehow seems too white, especially in the titles and headings. Love the orange-purple. I’m really not good at this, but feel like we should play a little bit with colors for titles. Currently there’s huge contrast and it just seems too much to me.
Make Support section more interesting
Connect all buttons
- New copy
- Connect with domain