Client Core Belief:
"The only valid decision comes from direct human input or comparison. Automation can’t make a ranking that truly reflects the nuances of human judgment.”
When the conversation acknowledges that then:
Introduce the Problem:
"Human judgment is inherently noisy—decisions vary between people and even from day to day. If judgments are all different, how can we be sure we're choosing the right one?"
"I understand that relying on direct human input and comparison feels like the most accurate way to make decisions. But here's something to consider: even the best judgment varies from person to person—and can change from day to day. If we're all coming up with different rankings, how can we be sure that we're consistently making the right choice?”
Ask for Agreement:
"Given this, do you think it’s important to reduce that variability (noise) to make reliable decisions?"
Bridge with an Open-ended Question:
"Imagine if we could create a system where decisions were less influenced by the noise in human judgment. What would that look like for you?"
Introduce SimScore:
"That’s exactly what SimScore does—it reduces the noise, making the decision-making process more repeatable and aligned with your goals."
This progression guides them through their own thought process before introducing SimScore as the solution.