Got it. If the user pays the gas fee directly to Arbitrum and you want to charge them an additional 50% of the gas fee as a fee for SimScore, here’s how you can set it up:
Here’s an example smart contract to handle this setup:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
interface IArbitrumGasPriceOracle {
function getCurrentGasPrice() external view returns (uint256);
contract FeeChargingApp {
address public owner;
IArbitrumGasPriceOracle internal gasPriceOracle;
uint256 public gasFeeMultiplier; // Multiplier for SimScore fee (e.g., 50 for 50% of the gas fee)
event FeePaid(address indexed user, uint256 simScoreFee);
constructor(address _gasPriceOracle) {
owner = msg.sender;
gasPriceOracle = IArbitrumGasPriceOracle(_gasPriceOracle);
gasFeeMultiplier = 50; // 50% of the gas fee as SimScore fee
modifier onlyOwner() {
require(msg.sender == owner, "Not the owner");
function setGasFeeMultiplier(uint256 _newMultiplier) public onlyOwner {
gasFeeMultiplier = _newMultiplier;
function useApp() public payable {
uint256 gasFee = getEstimatedGasFee();
uint256 simScoreFee = (gasFee * gasFeeMultiplier) / 100;
require(msg.value >= simScoreFee, "Insufficient fee amount");
// Logic for what happens when the app is used
// e.g., access granted, services rendered
// Emit an event to log the fee payment
emit FeePaid(msg.sender, simScoreFee);
// Forward SimScore fee to owner
// Forward excess funds back to user
if (msg.value > simScoreFee) {
payable(msg.sender).transfer(msg.value - simScoreFee);
function getEstimatedGasFee() public view returns (uint256) {
uint256 currentGasPrice = gasPriceOracle.getCurrentGasPrice();
uint256 gasEstimate = 21000; // Example gas estimate for a simple transfer; adjust if necessary
uint256 gasFee = currentGasPrice * gasEstimate;
return gasFee;
// Function to withdraw any accidental funds sent to the contract
function withdraw() public onlyOwner {
// Function to check the contract balance
function getBalance() public view returns (uint256) {
return address(this).balance;
: This interface is used to fetch the current gas price from an oracle or external service. Replace this with the appropriate implementation or service.gasFeeMultiplier
: The multiplier to determine SimScore’s fee as a percentage of the gas fee.useApp
Function: Users pay the SimScore fee directly to the contract. This fee is set to 50% of the estimated gas fee. The function checks if the sent amount is sufficient, processes the fee, and forwards it to the owner.getEstimatedGasFee
Function: Estimates the gas fee based on the current gas price and a fixed gas estimate. Adjust the gas estimate as necessary for your transactions.By setting up your contract this way, users handle the gas fee directly with the Arbitrum network, and SimScore earns revenue through the additional 50% fee charged by the contract.