Motivation(s) for this role
💡 Explanation of what leads to this role being created
- Our Discord Architecture (naming, order, and organisation of channels) could benefit from many improvements, most of which are small and reversible changes. For making many small changes and quickly iterating to refine them, our decision making process has too much friction. As such, it's more effective to create a role and appoint 1-3 people who can quickly make changes, receive feedback, and improve our Discord Architecture in an agile manner.
Role Agreements:
- Purpose: the guiding question, purpose or reason for the Role or Units to exist. This is often defined as who+why (who is the unit serving and what needs or aspirations does it seek to address for them).
- Accountabilities: specific tasks or responsibilities for which the role is accountable in its Unit or in RnDAO. If the Role has no specific commitments towards RnDAO/its Unit for any accountabilities, leave empty.
- Domains: areas over which the role has exclusive decision-making authority. Domains are used to transfer authority from RnDAO global or the Unit where the Role sits towards the exclusive domain of the Role (i.e. the role decides on behalf of the Unit and on behalf of RnDAO).
- Success Criteria: Objectives, Metrics (KPIs), and or Targets (specific quantity within a metric or qualitative change within an objective that's aimed to attain or exceed). Also including when/by whom/how the success criteria are evaluated.
- Permissions*: specific abilities the role has e.g. access rights to specific tools or domains, admin control of a tool, etc.*
- Additional Agreements with other Roles and/or Units: by default, every role and Unit inherits RnDAO agreements, and every role also inherits any agreements from the Unit it belongs to.