The user should be able to sign-up/sign-in with - Torus(Google Auth, and GitHub), MetaMask, Coinbase Wallet, Trustwallet, WalletConnect.
- This should show the user a card to select from different sign in options.
- The user should be able to sign in with either their Google or GitHub account.
- The user should be able to sign in with Metamask.
- The user should be able to sign in with Trustwallet.
- The user should be able to sign in with WalletConnect.
- The user should be able to sign in with Coinbase Wallet.
- The Tokengating feature is also enabled for organizations.
- After the initial authentication, the user should be able to see an initial onboarding process that allows them to create a new Organization and create an initial Collection.
The user joining an organisation with an invite link can see a blur screen page to accept invite or a mail to accept invite or decline an invite
- This should show the user where exactly they’re invited to — A particular collection or a whole organisation.
- There are three states for this invite — an invite to a collection, box or a whole organisation or a group of collection and boxes.
- The invite to a collection would just have the user see the collection of links as a viewer or editor.
- The invite to an organisation would have the user see the organisation invite by the admin and see the details of the invite and decide to accept or decline.
- This should show the user a card to accept or decline the invite.
- For someone that doesn’t already have an account, they’d have to sign in with the preferred option for sign in in order to get access to the invite. In this case, if the user signs in with the option that wasn’t invited to that particular collection box or board, they’d not have access to the organisation. For example, my email [email protected] was invited to the box, collection or invite, and I logged in with my Metamask wallet, I won’t gain access to the board.
The user who is already signed in a device doesn’t need to sign in again, but they will need to sign in again when on another device using another device
- This would mean anytime the user opens the app they’ll just open their dashboard directly.
- The user wouldn’t need to sign in anytime they open their app in their device.