Meetwithwallet - Productive meetings, for everyone.


In a world increasingly driven by the gig economy and the rise of digital nomadism, traditional corporate structures no longer suffice for the modern worker. Enter MWW (Meetwithwallet), a revolutionary platform designed to cater to the dynamic and multifaceted lives of DAO contributors, freelancers, multi-preneurs, and those juggling multiple online jobs. Our mission is to empower these trailblazers with a flexible, efficient, and private way to manage their professional lives and teams.

Meetwithwallet wants to make meetings more efficient and productive while maintaining privacy in a decentralized world.

Who is MWW For?

MWW is crafted for those whose work life transcends the conventional 9-to-5 job. Our primary audience includes:

Our secondary audience, while equally important, includes:

Ensuring productive meetings for everyone of our target users means

<aside> 💡 The goal going forward is to find these people, and actually learn and build with and for as many as are willing to hear us out.


Value Proposition

MWW offers a suite of features that address the unique challenges faced by our users: