Starting point is SimScore V0.1.

Input 1 Copy / paste dialogue box + wallet address

Input 2 Share File button

Input 3 Process Button

Output 1 Priority list

Output 2 Relationship Graph


1.0 SimScore - Token Weighted

1.1 Increase functionality of Input 1 dialogue box.

Wallet Address Voting Power (Tokens) Responses

1.2 Add Token Weighted Output “3” and “4”

1.2.1 Output 3 : Token Weighted Priority list

TW Priority # Response Wallet Address TK Score %
1 Response A 111111333334454 25
2 Response B 11233333345555 24

1.2.2 Output 4: Token Adjusted Relationship Graph.

The graph nodes and centroid remain unchanged in location and size, The numbers associated with each node are based on the Token Weighted Priority List.

1.3 Add Quadratic Output “5” and “6”

1.2.1 Output 5 : Quadratic Priority list

Quad Priority # Response Wallet Address Quad Score %
1 Response A 111111333334454 25
2 Response B 11233333345555 24

1.2.2 Output 6: Quadratic Adjusted Relationship Graph.

The graph nodes and centroid remain unchanged in location and size, The numbers associated with each node are based on the Token Weighted Priority List.

2.0 Calculations

2.1 Calculating Token Weighted Score = TW Score

2.1.1 For each Response calculate this formula.

Response Similarity Score = Sim

Voting Power = Power

Maximum Voting Power = Max

TW Score = Sim * Power / Max.

2.2 Calculating Quadratic Score = Quad Score

2.2.1 For each Response calculate this formula.

Response Similarity Score = Sim

Voting Power = Power

Maximum Voting Power = Max

Quad Score = Sim * sqrt Power / sqrt Max.