<aside> 💡 about this doc: This is a template to answer all the key questions for Unit in RnDAO. This is designed to be a comprehensive template that can be used for a proposal and then have ongoing use to define the Units functioning (useful to clarify the rules and functioning for contributors, clarify any doubts from those external to the Unit, avoid conflicts and misunderstandings by ensuring alignment upfront on key issues, etc).

Related documents: Research Project Strategy Canvas




<aside> 💡 the guiding question, purpose or reason for the Role or Units to exist. This is often defined as who+why (who is the unit serving and what needs or aspirations does it seek to address for them).

The purpose might change as per: How much decision autonomy this Unit has?


Build an open-source chatbot that facilitates deliberation in DAOs by talking to members 1:1 and synthesizing P2P-informed input into votable solutions.

LLM-powered deliberation bot enables 10x faster decision-making and engages 50% more participants (no need to argue with each other + no need to leave Discord), making human collaboration easier to achieve at scale.

Accord is a chatbot for better self-regulation, helping groups of people understand each other’s perspectives and move gracefully through conflict, identify common grounds / fields of agreement, and make decisions 10x faster in a transparent way.

LLMs like GPT4 can remove some of the biggest blocks to collaboration and decision-making by helping people communicate across differences and with higher participation rates — chatbots can create a more comfortable space where no one has to argue with each other. Combined with AI agents and computational constitutions, such tools could make digital commons and coordi-nations competitive against rigid but efficient hierarchies of transnational corporations and states.

Have you ever been in a meeting with a group of earnest, good faith teammates when the conversation still goes sideways? Conflict emerges and collaboration stops. With the help of LLM, we can turn conflict or lack of alignment into actionable proposals by making it easy to understand each other’s perspectives and democratising state-of-the-art facilitation techniques. In a VUCA world increasingly dependent on Discord, we can finally balance it with Accord.

[solving coordination failures is the best way to solve the metacrisis, e.g. AGI alignment or climate crisis — important building block for collective intelligence / weapon to fight Moloch]

RnDAO Agreements (RnDAO level guidelines that the unit follows or not)

Unit Agreements

How much decision autonomy this Unit has?

Role Agreements

Unit2Unit and Unit2Role Agreements