High Level Observations
- Users use MWW with others who already know how the platform work. Users are less likely to use MWW with a guest due to the effort it takes for guests to sign up or learn how to use the product.
- Users are used to a specific flows when creating a group meeting and deviating from that can cause momentary confusion
Specific Items
- Move role column to calendar connection column
- Change copy of calendar connection to something to do with availability of calendar
- Move add a new member button to the top by schedule button
- Remove required column from contact management page
- Altering or deciding which scheduling version we will move forward with
- Adding a where to the scheduling screen
Main Insights
- All said they would use it in their daily life. M said he wouldn’t use it with people who aren’t familiar with product because of the process of creating a wallet. T said the more people that use it the more valuable it would be to him & suggested making it an activity hub
- Action item - review process for guests, ask participants how they’ve sent links to guests, possibly prioritizing another way to login to an account, possibly adding calendar element so it is like a hub
- how to show that creating a group is saving time and used repeatedly
- All had confusion about the difference between creating a group and scheduling a meeting (participants weren’t separating the tasks in their heads and assumed they were making a group meeting and creating a group with the create a group flow instead of creating a group that will be used repeatedly and then creating a meeting)
- Action item - explain the distinction between creating a group and scheduling a meeting OR explaining the steps OR create the option to schedule a meeting and create a group in the same flow
- possibly offering scheduling a meeting and then creating a group with the ppl who were invited
- 2/3 were confused about calendar connection column and assumed that having a connected calendar meant the individual accepted the invite to the group
- Action item - explain/distinguish calendar connection from accepting into group OR get rid of column and have something showing only when a team members calendar isn’t connected
- say something about availability, possibly moving role over 1
- 2/3 confused about what required column meant and both wondered if required/optional can change week to week
- Action item - clarity of what required means and what the symbols mean
- remove and only have in process of scheduling meeting
- 2/3 users liked option B over A because of the distinction between the two options
- Action item - decide which version to use, maybe ask more people?
- All participants looked at the top for a button to “add a member”
- Action item - changing placement of add new member button for easier access? (this could depend on how often members are being added)