
High level observations

  1. Privacy of the wallet does not make users more likely to use our product and the ease of use is more important than privacy
  2. 2/3 noticed the group feature as being different from what other scheduling platforms offer but 1/3 are more likely to use MWW because of the group feature. The others won’t use it because there are other barriers surrounding the MWW product

Specific changes

  1. We need to focus suggesting groups to people as the main flow because it is not natural for users to create a group that is separate from scheduling a meeting. When asked to create a group they think they are creating a meeting. My assumption is that users think that creating a group requires more mental work than the group automatically being created after participants are added
    1. Incorporating a group suggestion when adding participants when scheduling a meeting - “Make this a group” when 3+ people are added
  2. Remove the listed participants below the text box and change to a drop down that shows other contacts as the contact is being typed and then have the added contact or group to the text box - how a common text box functions when adding people
  3. Remove filter and sort buttons on “my groups” page for MVP cause users didn’t see the value in them
  4. Incorporate clarity of how the group link can be used because users aren’t sure what it does - does it invite people to join group or schedule meetings with someone outside group

Main insights