<aside> 💡 This page serves as a database of ideas that we're exploring or have explored. To start a new idea, copy the template, name it, and then add your idea to this database:



[New Idea]

R&D Projects: active

Project to be hosted in RnDAO

Problem - Solution Brainstorming

Accountability as a service

Agreements/contracting platform


Reputation but not as you know it


R&D Projects: inactive

Minimum Viable Salaries (MVS)

Elections/RFPs tool

community alignment (like Pol.is?)

Community of Practice for Community Facilitators

A North Star proposal for the DAO movement


Bridging Self-Management and DAO communities

DAO: active

Activities that support RnDAO as a whole

Research on Role Attributes

DAO: inactive

Membership Levels Idea

Research Repository Project (on hold)

Moved to next stage

Contribution Accounting for early stage teams

RnDAO Consulting


Archived initiatives

Archived Projects