Task: Review data and draw conclusions to finish section on DAO Ethos
Consensus on DAO qualities
There is consensus among participants that a DAO has at least these qualities. Consensus means that at least 60% of participants agreed with these statements.
- Decentralised power: no single source of authority
- Autonomous: self-sovereign, not bound to an external coercive force
- A common goal, vision or set of values that are (being) worked towards
- open-door politics (instead of hidden agendas)
- Group C, D, and E have a similar voting profile for the 5 statements
Lack of consensus on DAO qualities
- An organization where everyone has the same goal. The decision is shared among all the people. I would say: A real Democracy.
- Crowdfunded, not VC funded
- Permissionless
- Proof of identity is required to trust a dao.
Opinion Groups
Group C, D, and E have a similar voting profile. Group B adds a new perspective, but with only 5 people, I’m cautious to draw conclusions from it. Group A has a different view on what makes a DAO. The point of disagreement is how transparent a DAO is.