1. “Our first grants for community should go towards giving grants to or hiring the right people in the regions we want to support, so that they can nurture a local Scroll community"
      1. "Our first grants for community should go towards supporting events or activities in the regions we want to support"

Problem / Opportunity Statement:

Local communities offer great growth potential.


giving grants to or hiring the right people in the regions we want to support,

nurture a local Scroll community"

supporting events or activities in the regions we want to support"

  1. "People who are active in their community have the best knowledge of who to fund within their community. We should prioritize experimenting with models where we give grants to one or a few active community members to re-grant those funds within their community."

Problem / Opportunity Statement:

Those active in their community have the best knowledge of who to fund within their community.


give grants to one or a few active community members to re-grant those funds within their community